Monday, February 1, 2010

February 1: Day 25

Today is a very typical wet, gray, icky kind of Northwest sort of day. The perfect kind of day to find big water drops hanging on for dear life to tree branches and anything else outside. This is one of the poor trees in our backyard that has been used as a snack by the deer. I'm surprised it's still alive. I used a fast shutter speed because I didn't want to lose the water droplet. I tried to get some photos of rain drops but I think I may have to pose that shot because the cement patio isn't a solid enough color to really make the splash pop. Maybe I'll try that again sometime. I'm sure I'll have plenty of rainy days this spring to practice!

Oh, I used one of the Pioneer Woman's actions for this one. It's called Seventies and for some reason I like it on this photo. Maybe it's because I can pretend it's an old photo of a rainy day and that it's really sunny and nice outside today. That could be it.

Photo Stats:
Exposure: 1/1600 sec
Aperture: f/1.8
Focal Length: 50mm
ISO: 200
Flash: Off

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