Thursday, February 4, 2010

February 4: Day 28

Today's photo is brought to you courtesy of the four loads of laundry I folded this afternoon. While I watched yesterday's Oprah (love our DVR!) and folded clothes the kids made "little houses" out of the two laundry baskets. In fact they're still playing in them an hour later. Such fun play things laundry baskets have turned out to be!

Since we're inside on a rainy afternoon the lighting is less then fantastic. I even switched my White Balance to Tungsten and the photos were still way too yellow. Thank goodness for RAW and Adobe Bridge is all I have to say. I also had to bump my ISO up to 800 which I very rarely do. I have a hard time embracing the grain, but there wasn't any other way to get these photos to turn out other then using the flash and I was just too lazy to dig that out of the closet.

Photo Stats:
Exposure: 1/50 sec
Aperture: f/2.8
Focal Length: 28mm
ISO: 800
Flash: Off

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