Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February 3: Day 27

This afternoon when I picked Grace up from preschool she pleaded with me to let her play outside when we got home and I reluctantly agreed (it was wet...what else is new?). After we got home I went to grab my camera and when I got back to the living room she had already stripped down to her underwear and announced that she was going to wear dress up clothes outside. I decided to negotiate and said she could wear her tutu but only if she wore leggings of some variety. She chose to wear her pink polka dotted Baby Legs (tell me she's not the only 4 year old who still wears them) and grudgingly agreed to wear a coat. I vetoed the plastic dress up shoes and told her to wear her pink converse or cowgirl boots (her only non-mary jane type shoes). She chose the boots. Part of the negotiating to play outside was that she was going to have to let me take some photos of her. She wasn't too excited about that, but then she saw her reflection in the sliding glass door behind me and started dancing like nobody's business in order to watch herself. She did all sorts of dance moves including pirouettes, leaps, and fancy toe walking. It was quite impressive. I was focusing on her pink boots and they didn't stop moving!

It's Audience Participation Day! I couldn't pick which version of this photo I like best so I'm leaving it up to you all to vote which one should be the official Photo of the Day #27. Color or Sepia? Vote in the poll on the right.

Update: Color Version won 12-7

Photo Stats:
Exposure: 1/400 sec
Aperture: f/2.0
Focal Length: 50mm
ISO: 200
Flash: Off


Unknown said...

Color for sure!

Aly sun said...

Tough one. I like them both, but prefer the black and white.

Anonymous said...

Olivia and I agree on the sepia. She says it showcases the moment a little more. I think she is right.