Saturday, February 6, 2010

February 6: Day 30

I left the house multiple times today with the Redbox movie in my diaper bag to return and forgot every time. So after we got the kids in bed I headed out to McDonalds to return it. On my way out I grabbed my camera with the passing thought that I might try out some night photography since I hadn't taken my photo of the day quite yet. Too bad I didn't remember to also throw the tripod in the car. Oh well. I parked across from City Hall and wandered around "downtown" Dallas for 10 minutes in the drizzling rain giving night photography a shot for the first time. I figured that since everything was soaking wet there might be some nice reflections. If I had my tripod with me I could have got some neat photos of the City Hall building because the lights that shine on it have slightly different colors and with a slow shutter speed create a rainbow of color. Of course I can't hold the camera still for long enough to get a photo of it in focus! That would be where a tripod would come in handy.

So can any of you locals tell where this photo was taken? It's pretty easy to figure out. I'm just pleased I was able to get an urban look in a very un-urban environment!

Photo Stats:
Exposure: 1/16 sec
Aperture: f/2.8
Focal Length: 57mm
ISO: 800
Flash: Off

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