Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February 2: Day 26

Today was our big shopping and banking day in Salem which meant that I told the kids that if they were good they could pick out a treat to enjoy at home when we were all done. Since I needed to buy two filler items at Walgreens to make my deal work (I made money on that trip so this candy was totally FREE!) I let them each pick out a candy. Grace chose this candy necklace for $.34 and Ethan chose a chocolate covered marshmallow heart for $.27. When we got home Ethan was passed out in his car seat but Grace was wide awake and very ready for her treat. In this photo she's showing me the heart she had bitten into.

I'm really digging this set of Actions. I can't remember where I got them from but I love the softness! Once again this photo was taken facing our south facing sliding glass door in the late afternoon with absolutely no artificial lighting. It was pretty dark in the kitchen, but that reduces the nasty yellow skin color with the added bonus that you don't notice how messy the kitchen is. Kills two birds in one stone.

Photo Stats:
Exposure: 1/100 sec
Aperture: f/2.0
Focal Length: 50mm
ISO: 200
Flash: Off

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