Sunday, April 18, 2010

April 18: Day 101

I didn't pull out the camera until right before my daughter went to bed so tonight's photo is of Grace reading her Katje the Windmill Cat book before bed. She was "reading" me the story and kept insisting that Katje the Cat's name was really Lettuce. I really don't think so.

I needed the flash to get a better shot but I didn't want to flash my daughter right before bedtime (after all, the goal is to get her sleepy!) so I made do with all the room lights turned on, cranked the ISO up to 1600, and used my 50mm at the lowest possible aperture with a fairly slow shutter speed. This is as good as I can do with my camera and lenses at nighttime with halogen lighting. Speaking of halogen lighting, I almost made this a black and white so I wouldn't have the awful yellow color issues but it was a little too dark. I did have my White Balance set at Halogen Lighting which helps some, but the color is still way too yellow for my tastes.

Photo Stats:
Exposure: 1/100 sec
Aperture: f/1.8
Focal Length: 50mm
ISO: 1600
Flash: Off

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