Friday, January 8, 2010

January 8: Day 1

I've decided to challenge myself to take at least one photo a day for a year, mostly as a way to keep myself working on improving my skills. I'm also hoping that I might get in the habit of carrying my camera with me more often! To kick start my 365 days of continuous photos I thought I'd start with a self portrait. Self portraits are hard. This one took me probably five minutes to accomplish using a tripod and a stuffed horse as a decoy to get my camera to focus. Then I used the timer and attempted to put myself exactly where the horse was to keep the photo in focus. It took several tries to get a somewhat focused photo that looked halfway decent. I would have happier if I got my face in focus rather then my hands, but my diamond sure looks good!

By the way, the plastic camera doesn't work. It's a fun toy for the kids I picked up at the thrift store so that they can take photos with me.

Photo Stats:
Exposure: 1/50 sec
Aperture: f/2.8
Focal Length: 40mm
ISO: 400
Flash: Off

1 comment:

Natalie Whisler said...

Fun first picture! Good luck with the project. It will be fun to see.