Monday, January 25, 2010

January 25: Day 18

I've always been interested in macro photography. I find that I'm always drawn to the details no matter what media I'm using. Since I can't afford a $$$ macro lens I thought I'd give the "poor man's macro" technique a try. I used my 18-55mm lens (which I almost never use) and reversed my 50mm prime and switched both to manual focus. I hand held the 50mm and didn't use a tripod which made it really hard to focus. Macro photography has a pretty small window of what's in focus and what's not with very little room for error. Next time I might take the time to do the tripod.

So can you guess what it is?

Photo Stats:
Exposure: 1/40 sec
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 45mm
ISO: 100
Flash: Off

1 comment:

Ariel Wilson said...

Looks like leaves... I think.