Sunday, June 6, 2010

June 6: Day 150

Can you believe I'm on Day 150?!? Me either. I had planned on taking a photo of a board game since we played Kingsburg with our friends Pat & Katie but of course I got wrapped up in playing and totally forgot to bust out my camera. Oops. Since it was 10pm when I realized I forgot to take a photo yet today I threw my coat on and headed outside to see if I could find a subject for some night photography. Unfortunately our neighborhood is super uninteresting at night. As I walked back home I noticed that the neighbor's lights were reflecting on our car's hood in the driveway and I thought I might be able to get some fun light bokeh shots. One thing I like about this Project 365 is that it's got me trying out new types of photography and subjects as I get bored with taking photos of the same old thing. I think light bokeh (the blurry spots of light) is kind of pretty and I wish it was Christmas time to experiment with Christmas lights. I think I'm looking forward to December!

I didn't use a tripod for this shot. Instead the camera was resting on the car hood which kept it stable enough for a fairly slow 1/10 shutter speed.

Photo Stats:
Exposure: 1/10 sec
Aperture: f/1.8
Focal Length: 50 mm
ISO: 1600
Flash: Off

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