Wednesday, June 2, 2010

June 2: Day 146

I took today's photo after dinner on a gray day. Not great light. I felt a rain drop or two. I wasn't feeling super inspired by our yard but I did have a hankering to play with capturing waterdrops with my ghetto macro technique. So I did!

Photo Stats:
Exposure: 1/160 sec
Aperture: f/10
Focal Length: 55 mm
ISO: 1600
Flash: Off

I thought I'd share a photo of my backyard where I take most of my nature/macro shots. It's nothing extraordinary, just a normal small backyard with a lot of scrubby brush/poison oak/black berries behind it. Today's photo is of a weed in the mud. Not exactly most people's first choice for a photo subject, but the colors and water drops make it interesting! So be creative and really look at your surroundings to find beauty in the mundane. It's easier then you think.

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