Wednesday, June 23, 2010

June 21: Day 165

Guess what came in the mail on Monday!?! That's right, the Canon 2.8 70-200 IS lens! I have it rented for the week to use at a wedding this weekend and I am pretty excited to get my hands on some L glass. Naturally it arrived after dinner and right before the kids' bedtime but I didn't let that fact bother me. I hauled my pajama clad unhappy subject outside and snapped a few pics. I also took a few of his sister but since I hadn't bothered to do her hair she looked pretty bedraggled. Bad Mommy, I know. I have several smiley photos of Ethan from the 10 minute photo shoot but thought I'd share this one to prove that my happy go lucky "easy" to photograph son is not always cooperative. Of course I kind of think grumpy baby photos are cute so maybe I'm just nuts.

Photo Stats:
Exposure: 1/500 sec
Aperture: f/3.2
Focal Length: 100 mm
ISO: 200
Flash: Off

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