Friday, June 4, 2010

June 4: Day 148

Technically perfect this photo is not. But it does make me happy. I think it's because I caught this rare moment of sunshine filtering through the trees this evening after dinner and noticed the cool pea pods glowing. Isn't it cool? I was outside playing with some ghetto macro shots again (I'm addicted, what can I say!) when I spotted this drama happening. I didn't even bother to switch my lenses around and used my kit 18-55 lens which I *never* use except for wide indoor shots. So here's proving that you can take a semi-ok photo with the kit lens. I do have some blown out areas but how on earth do you prevent that with sunflare? I thought it turned out pretty good considering it was a spur of the moment shot taken while holding my precious 50mm in one hand and the camera in the other!

I barely edited it. Just some cropping and sharpening.

Photo Stats:
Exposure: 1/100 sec
Aperture: f/5.6
Focal Length: 52 mm
ISO: 200
Flash: Off

And the best macro I got this evening...

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