Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Where have I been?!?

I realize that I haven't added a photo of the week since June.  I can blame it on the crazy summer but mostly it's because I think I'm a procrastinator and having a week to accomplish something is harder then having one day.  At least for me it is!  So I've decided to go back to doing a Project 365 since I seem to keep on top of that better.  I chose yesterday for my start day, I thought that the first day of the new school year was the perfect start date.  After all, September feels more like a "new year" then January does!

My goal and purpose of the Project 365 is the same as before, to keep my creative juices flowing and to improve my skills.  This year I am also hoping to get braver hauling my "fancy" camera around in public and to quit worrying about what people think and just shoot what I like wherever I am.  I'm always fine shooting clients in random parks and alleyways, but for some reason the thought of bringing my camera into Walmart or Safeway to document my own life makes me feel silly.  I'm trying to lose my self consciousness and just go for it!

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