Sunday, June 26, 2011

Week 25: June 25

The sun has finally come out after months of rain and we have been celebrating by playing outside!  We spent a good chunk of the day yesterday outside and when I saw how pretty the sunlight was on our blackberries/daisies/misc green stuff behind our house I grabbed my camera.  Actually I grabbed both my cameras and let my 5 year old take some photos with my 40D and kit lens.  It was slightly nerve wracking but she really thought it was cool.  This was taken around 4:30pm which is nowhere near my coveted "golden hour" but I've been getting some pretty awesome results at this time of day lately so I won't knock it.  I did no editing to this photo other then a little sharpening.

Friday, June 17, 2011

June 16: Week 24

I took this lovely chicken's photo yesterday at our Momtographers Meeting practicing photographing moving subjects.  Mostly we practiced on the kids but the chickens got a turn too!

June 6: Week 23

Grace brought home a pumpkin seedling from school which meant I had to find somewhere in our deer foraged yard to attempt to grow it.  I finally planted on the sunny side of the house between the trash cans and the lilies hoping the poor thing will go unnoticed by the deer through the fall.  As a bonus I don't have to remember to water it because the sprinklers reach it!

June 2: Week 22

Starting this week the photos I post will be taken with my new 5D camera!  This one was taken in Burgerville after my son's last gymnastics class.  We enjoyed a tasty shake, our favorite Burgerville treat!